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Name: Bearded dragon 

Scientific Name: Pogona

Class: Reptilia  

Threats: Loss of habitat

Distribution: Australia

Habitat: Subtropical woodland, desert, scrubland and savannah

Appearance: The 'beard' is actually rows of spiny scales which can expand and change color when the animal is threatened.

Diet & Feeding: Bearded dragons are omnivorous - they feed on vegetation, invertebrates and in the wild they will also prey upon small lizards! 

Social Behaviour: Bearded dragons are normally solitary creatures. When they do congregate in the wild a hierarchy can be observed. 

Males and females: Males are brighter and have a larger head.  

Lifespan: 11 - 30 eggs in a clutch

Number of young: 1-14 

Interesting fact: Hello? It isn't a greeting - waving is normally a sign of submission.

Other ZooLab Lizards:

  • Geckos

  • Plated Lizard

  • Rankins dragon

  • Ackie Monitor

  • Blue-tongued Skink

  • Chameleon 

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