Name: Leopard gecko
Scientific Name: Eublepharis macularius
Class: Reptilia
Threats: No threats
Distribution: South Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North West India and parts of Iran
Habitat: Rocky, dry grasslands and desert regions
Appearance: Larger than many species of gecko, leopard geckos grow up to 11 inches. In contrast to those in the wild, captive bred leopard geckos come in a wild range of colours and patterns.
Diet & Feeding: Leopard geckos are not picky eaters (life in the desert can supply limited eating opportunities) - they eat a wide variety of insects and invertebrates. For when food sources are low, leopard geckos store a fat reserve in their tail.
Social Behaviour: Leopard geckos are quite docile creatures in captivity and even enjoy human contact
Males and females: Males can be larger than females by 1 - 4 inches
Lifespan: 20+ years
Number of young: They can produce 80 to 100 eggs over a lifetime!
Interesting fact: Leopard geckos have eyelids - this allows them to close their eyes while sleeping and blink!
Other ZooLab Geckos:
Crested gecko
Fat-tailed gecko
Gargoyle gecko
Cale gecko
giant gecko
Tokay gecko