Name: White’s tree frog
Scientific Name: Litoria caerulea
Class: Amphibian
Threats: Snakes, birds, carnivorous mammals
Distribution: Australia and New Guinea
Habitat: Moist and forested environment.
Appearance: They grow to nearly 4 to inches in length varying in colour from green to brown.
Diet & Feeding: Insects like roaches, locusts, and moths.
Social Behaviour: They are docile and mainly nocturnal creatures that are not very active. They are remarkably people-friendly.
Males and females: Males are smaller and have a vocal sack.
Lifespan: 16 years
Number of young: Females can lay up to 150 - 300 eggs.
Interesting fact: The peptides produced by the frog could play a part in the cure for AIDS secretions attacks HIV cells without harming healthy cells.
Other ZooLab amphibians:
Southern toad
Tomato frog
Pacman frog
Euro-tree frog
File-eared frog