One of the best things about ZooLab has got to be working with an incredible team! Each month, Ranger Anna will interview a member of the ZooLab family.
This month we will be speaking to Marketing Coordinator, Sarah.
Hi Sarah, how long have you worked for ZooLab?
I have worked with ZooLab for almost 4 years.
What is your role in the company?
Marketing Coordinator! Part of my job involves creating content for social media, email campaigns and blogs... It's normally me who uploads Anna's interviews to our site - it feels strange to be on the other side of things!
With ZooLab, everyday is different! Can you think of a day which was completely out of the ordinary for you?
I spent a week on the road with Owen to experience life as a Ranger - I even took part in presenting a few sessions! The whole week was a fun insight into the content of our workshops and it allowed me to see first hand the interaction that children and residents have with ZooLab's amazing animals. I wasn't prepared for how nerve wracking it actually would be to present to a group of children! I showed the snail (which for one session was reluctant to come out).

My favourite session to watch was Owen's care home visit - it was amazing and quite emotional to see the residents really get something out of the therapy session. It really brought home how great these workshops are! By the end of the week, I had a whole new level of appreciation of what our rangers do and the difference our sessions make. It takes a very specific type of person to work in a nursery, primary school, secondary school, with special needs or at care homes – each of these places requires a different set of skills and our rangers need to have them all and be all of these people in one!
What is something you love about working for ZooLab?
Everyone keeps saying in their interviews that everyday is different - and it is true! My favourite thing is the variety of the job, we are such a creative company that I am always kept on my toes and never have time to be bored. The people are great and of course, having cute animals drop in to HQ every now and then is an added bonus!
Tell us a little bit about yourself! Do you have any pets?
Meet my best friend, Toby!

We aren't sure exactly how old he is but it is somewhere around 17-20 (he would never let you know it!). His favourite things are food, balls and his sock collection!
What's something you're looking forward to?
I am heading to Mull next summer! I am desperate to explore with my camera and capture the local wildlife - it would make my holiday to spot a minke whale or basking shark.
If you had to eat only 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My Mum's chicken and cashew yellow curry!
How have you been unwinding during lockdown?
I love to binge on Netflix or true crime podcasts and have spent lots of time gardening! I am currently participating in PTES 'Living with Mammals' survey, documenting the animals that visit our wildlife camera at the back of our house.
I can't wait to spend more time outdoors - I love exploring, photography and have recently taken up geocaching.
What is your favourite movie of all time?
Beetlejuice or Drop Dead Fred
And finally, if you were a superhero, what superpower would you have?
I have always wanted to talk to animals like Eliza Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys!
