Name: Madagascar hissing cockroach
Scientific Name: Gromphadorhina portentosa
Class: Insect
Lifespan: 6 months - 1 year.
Threats: Arachnids, ants, tenrecs, and some ground-feeding birds are likely predators
Distribution: Madagascar off the African mainland
Habitat: Forest floor
Appearance: Madagascar hissing cockroach reach 5 - 7cm at maturity. These cockroaches are shiny brown and oval-shaped, with no wings and a single pair of antennae.
Diet & Feeding: Leaf litter, logs, and other detritus.
Social Behaviour: They are nocturnal and semi-communal. Males are territorial and have a hierarchy, but they are not social like ants.
Males and females: Males sport large horns, which give them an unusual and impressive appearance.
Number of young: Females lay and carry upto 60 eggs inside their bodies.
Interesting fact: The hiss happens when they exhale air through their breathing holes.