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Lucy joined ZooLab in 2019 and works in Swansea and the surrounding areas. 

Name: Lucy Williamson

Experience: ZooLab’s invertebrates are pretty different to the equines Lucy studied as an undergraduate at Aberystwyth University. Lucy is currently studying for her Masters degree in Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law.

About: “I have always known that I wanted to work with animals so working for ZooLab is great! My favourite part of the job is the look on people's faces when they realise snakes aren't so scary after all.

I'm a lifetime 'Ratvocate' - my rats Rhythm and Blues are my favourite team members, although I truly loves all of my creepies in different ways."

Interesting Fact: Lucy’s love for animals runs in the family! Her Grandfather used to have a pet snake who attended university lectures with him in secret!

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