Name: Indian stick insect
Scientific Name: Carausius morosus
Class: Insect
Lifespan: 6 months - 1 year.
Threats: Birds, small reptiles and rodents due to it’s small size
Distribution: Native to New Zealand but accidentally introduced around the world.
Habitat: Forest floor
Appearance: About 80-100 mm
in length, ranging from a light green to a darkish brown in colour.
Diet & Feeding: Leaf litter
Social Behaviour: As the insects are surrounded by food and have no need to find a mate, they have little natural inclination to move far.
Males and females: They breed parthenogenetically - meaning that the young hatch from eggs produced without fertilization by a male.
Number of young: They lay several hundred eggs.
Interesting fact: If a young stick insect loses a leg it is sometimes able to grow a new one in a process called regeneration.