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Ella joined ZooLab in 2018 and works in Leeds and the surrounding areas. 

Name: Ella Woodward

License Number: 18/01211/COMM

Experience: Ella grew up around animals and spent summers helping out on her grandparents farm in South Wales. Her love of travelling has taken her around the world and allowed her to experience animals in the wild first hand. 

About: “This job combines my love of travelling, working with animals and educating people. Being on the road with my amazing creatures and getting to meet new people every day is an dream come true. 

My favourite ZooLab animals are the Madagascar hissing cockroaches as they tend to surprise people the most.”

Interesting Fact: Ella has travelled extensively and has lived on all 5 continents!

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0845 330 6322 

ZooLab UK Head Office: Torwood Garden Centre, Larbert, United Kingdom,  FK5 4EG

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