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Cara joined ZooLab in 2016 and works in Larbert and the surrounding areas. 

Name: Cara Goldie

Experience: Cara has a BSc (HONS) degree in Animal Biology from Edinburgh Napier and started working for ZooLab whilst she was still studying. 

About: “I love being a ZooLab Ranger, especially when you manage to change someone’s mind about the an animal that they previously didn’t like. I think all my animals are cute and interesting, even the spiders and cockroaches. I love to make others to think about them differently.

My favourite animal? I don't mean to be bias but it has to be my cat. He is a black cat named Whitey - the very silly name that my brother and I came up with when we were kids."

Interesting Fact: Cara decided to make it a life goal to conquer her fear of heights. She has completed an obstacle course 50ft in the air, indoor rock climbing, zip lining at tree level (1000 metres) in Whistler, Canada and most recently a flying trapeze session.

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