Anna joined ZooLab in 2017 and works in Hampshire and the surrounding areas.
Name: Anna French
Licence Number: TVBC/TAE/2019/04
Experience: Anna has an undergraduate degree in Biology and a Masters degree in Wildlife Management and Conservation.
About: “I love teaching children about the natural world and how cool animals are. I hope my work with ZooLab will inspire some of them to work with animals in the future. I also get to speak with a lot of teachers and administrators, and I love to hear how they have made a difference in other people’s lives.
My favourite ZooLab animal is Norbert, the leopard gecko. He is extremely laid back and is such a cutie - definitely one of the kids’ favourites too!”
Interesting Fact: Anna is originally from the suburbs of Chicago. Growing up in a big city inspired her to study wildlife and conservation.